
The two reasons our Gala Book Signing events were so successful!

FIRST— for the Book itself . . .

MAHALO TO BARBARA WOOD, whose smart design sense and production skills made the book a work of art. She also served as cheering section and prodder to move the production along. Thank you, Barbara, for the tireless hours spent over the last year and a half on our behalf. It was your artistry that made the difference.

MAHALO TO JOHN SEVERSON, for the use of his painting, “Life in the Trees,” that graces the book’s cover.

MAHALO TO MIKE NEAL for his professional treatment of the photos.Jim Loomis rowboat

MAHALO TO PAUL WOOD for his invaluable final edit of the text.

MAHALO TO CATHY CARR for technical production assistance.

MAHALO TO THE FOLLOWING SUPPORTERS & SOURCES OF INSPIRATION at the book’s completion: Andrew Annenberg, Daniel Harmsworth, John Perry, Danya Pharisian, & Jamie Whittle.
(Please see Acknowledgments at the book’s end for a complete list.)

NEXT — for the Website . . . Megan Powers

MAHALO TO OCEAN LEHUA for the first website that held the space for the year we were in production.

MAHALO TO the universe for bringing in the right tutor, at the right time for instruction in creating this website.

MAHALO TO PALAPALA NETWORKS for hosting this website and helping to send e-mail to our mailing list of friends and supporters.

THIRD — for the GALA BOOK SIGNING PARTIES on September 2nd and 7th . . .Jim Loomis

MAHALO to all the guests and book lovers who bought the book and made each of the parties a success.

MAHALO TO JAIA EARTHCHILD, LASENSUA, AND FRANK KANE for their lively readings from the book.

MAHALOS to our extended family, friends and workers — Diane Burr, Patricia Hill and Company, Pat Schulte, Martha Woodbury, Cathy Carr, Savon Welker, Roy Smith, Todd Swan, John Messersmith, Ken and Alex Pinsky and crew, Richard Abdullah, Adouney Dabo, Denver Henry, Marcelo Rezende, Danny Weiss, Lokahi and Cyndi Jade Sylva, Olivia and David from Market Fresh Bistro, Tommy Talbot and Harlan Hughes. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Frank Kane

And finally, MAHALO TO NATHAN HOWE AND ALIZE DE ROSNEY for hosting the event at Puka Puka and making the venue OURS for the night.

The kindness of friends and love of family made make it happen.

The book is launched!

Thank you – Mahalo!